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“Our existence is a reflection of the laws that nothing can exist without or beyond”


Look around you. Everything you see, hear, smell, and feel was created through processes governed by the unbreakable natural laws of the universe—laws that nothing can escape or exist beyond. Whether we understand those laws or not is irrelevant to the universe; they exist and shape everything around us, enabling birds to soar, plants to grow, a child’s smile, and civilizations to rise. Success follows when we improve our alignment with these laws; in contrast, we stumble in darkness when we ignore or misunderstand them.

Each time humanity unveils a universal law or learns to harness it, we are enriched, advancing toward greater harmony with the world around us. Acting with

out understanding these laws is like navigating a maze blindfolded. While we might occasionally stumble upon success, more often than not, we fail—unaware of the powerful forces that govern our lives and societies. By harnessing these universal principles, we can transform them into tools for success, aligning with them instead of struggling against unseen forces.

If we agree that nothing can exist outside of universal natural laws—not even our most secret thoughts—it becomes clear that unveiling, understanding, and harnessing these laws is essential for increasing human prosperity and reducing suffering. But how do we align with these principles? Let’s consider an example: humanity’s quest to fly.

For millennia, humans dreamed of flight and made countless attempts, all ending in failure—until the Wright brothers successfully applied the principles of aerodynamics. Once these principles were understood and applied, failure became the exception rather than the rule. Today, flights are routine because we have learned to align ourselves with the universal laws governing flight, propelling us across the skies, to the Moon, and beyond.

Just as understanding and applying the laws of physics transformed futile attempts at flapping feathered hands into successful flight, we must discover, articulate, and apply the universal laws until turning poverty into prosperity becomes an almost effortless routine.

Now is the time to move beyond outdated beliefs about poverty and align our actions with these laws to replace dependence on “luck” with the certainty of progress and prosperity.


“Progress happens whenever we improve our alignment with universal natural laws.”



When I first confronted the issue of smallholder poverty, I realized traditional explanations like race, intelligence, culture, and corruption were irrelevant if my goal was to discover the root cause of poverty. Yet, at the time, I had no alternative theory. It took me a long journey to uncover that poverty stems from failing to align with the universal laws governing prosperity. These laws—like thermodynamics and Newton’s Third Law—apply universally to societies and organizations, just as they govern the physical world.

Consider the Wright brothers: they didn’t rely on luck to achieve flight. Instead, they applied scientific principles that made flight inevitable once understood and implemented. Similarly, the success of the limited liability company (Ltd) model wasn’t a matter of chance. It thrives because it aligns with universal prosperity laws—expressed through the elements of the Prosperity Formula—such as togetherness, resource pooling, and specialization.

Historically, prosperity has been scarce for most people because societal structures failed to align with these principles. The alignment with universal laws marks societies' prosperity levels: poverty takes root when one society consistently scores lower on the Prosperity Formula than another. 

Global population prosperity surged following the Industrial Revolution and was energized by the Ltd Company concept, forming the Ltd-era. The agro sector in developing economies is the only major global sector that refrains from adopting the Ltd-era’s principles and is the primary sector that suffers widespread poverty. Is it a mere coincidence?


Mathematics is the language of the universe. As musicians create harmony through mathematical principles, societies must align with these universal laws to create harmony and prosperity. Just as a symphony is carefully orchestrated, prosperity results from aligning social, economic, and organizational elements with the laws that govern success.



Overcoming Prejudice: When terms like "industry," "industrialization," "commercial," or "Ltd company" are mentioned, many in the agricultural sector, particularly in developing economies, instinctively resist anything that involves those, as if those were diseases. This reaction is understandable, as these words have often been associated with harmful practices—unsustainable land use, excessive chemical application, environmental degradation, colonialism, and corporate greed. However, this opposition often stems from prejudice rather than a thoughtful evaluation of the potential benefits these concepts offer when applied responsibly.

Recognizing the Difference Between Misuse and Opportunity: Should we abandon cars because of reckless drivers and the pollution they cause? Of course not. Instead, we focus on mitigating their downsides through innovation and regulation. Similarly, should we dismiss the Ltd concept simply because it has been misused to create harmful companies? No. Instead, we should work to limit the power of such "negative" companies while fostering the growth of more "positive" companies that align with social and ethical values.

It's crucial to distinguish between misuse and the core principles. Industrialization, the assembly line, and the Ltd social-organizational business model have played a pivotal role in elevating over half of the global population into the middle class, lifting them out of the impoverished conditions.

Aligning with Universal Laws: The universal laws of prosperity emphasize togetherness, efficiency, and specialization. These principles, among others, naturally lead to greater success than isolation, inefficiency, and amateurism. Clinging to romanticized ideals of traditional agriculture is no more logical than suggesting we revert to horses for transportation. Progress stems from incremental changes, evolution, or revolution—but never from stagnation or regression.

In 1910, a small group of pioneers who founded the first kibbutz, Dgania, in Israel exemplified these universal laws. They adopted a cooperative social model that embraced industrial principles while preserving core values of equality and collaboration, practicing Ltd-era principles of togetherness, efficiency, and specialization. Whether they realized it or not, their alignment with the Prosperity Formula was critical to their success. They transitioned from traditional, isolated farmers who experienced economic losses to an organized, Ltd-era group of farmers reaping unprecedented profits and finding their place on the “prosperity avenue.”

Achieving Sustainable Prosperity: To achieve sustainable prosperity, we must abandon the notion that anything industrial or organized along production-line principles is inherently harmful. In reality, concepts like togetherness, efficiency, and specialization are in harmony with natural universal laws, while concepts associated with traditional agriculture, like isolation, inefficiency, and amateurism, are not. While romanticizing old agricultural methods may feel comforting, it obstructs adopting practices that align more closely with the universe's natural laws. It took humanity ages to discover and learn how to use and benefit from universal laws. We have no moral justification not to use these laws to improve the lives of millions of poor smallholders.

A Call for Transformation: The shift from the Agricultural Revolution to the Ltd-era is critical for transforming agriculture in developing economies. Embracing industrial principles—without fear, shame, or prejudice—will unlock the potential of the agro sector. Concepts like industrialization, production line, efficiency, specialization, and Ltd organizations are neither inherently good nor bad. Their impact depends on the values, vision, and mission guiding their application.

Just as the Kibbutz model emerged in early pre-Israel, modern developing countries have the opportunity to create new agro-social models by adapting and localizing the Ltd-era principles. The approach presented here offers a blueprint for success, grounded in the same principles that have guided other industries worldwide toward prosperity for over 170 years.

Prosperity Through Togetherness: A simple principle to remember for those who aim for strategic prosperity increase: Prosperity is about togetherness.

·       The poorer the farmers, the more "together" they must nurture to increase prosperity.

·       The faster you want to see change, the more "together" you must nurture to achieve prosperity.

·       The more significant the impact you aim for, the more "together" you must nurture to foster prosperity.

By embracing the principles of the Ltd-era, we can build a more prosperous, inclusive, and sustainable agricultural sector in which smallholders in developing economies thrive together.



This is a call to leaders, scientists, and visionaries dedicated to improving the world. Whether through politics, religion, science, or a combination of all, our role is to uncover the laws that govern the universe and our lives, understand them, and translate them into simple, actionable steps that everyone can follow and benefit from. Our responsibility is greatest when communities face suffering, as they look to us for courageous leadership to guide them toward safety and prosperity.



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Dream Valley Fruit Export Program 2025 is now officially open for new exporters from developing economies who wish to export to Europe. Text me.




Ø  Alignment with universal laws leads to sustainable prosperity.

Ø  Collaboration and specialization create greater success than individual effort.

Ø  For prosperity, it is mandatory to transform smallholders to align with the Ltd-era principles.





More on the October 7th genocide in South Israel:




Here are ways you can work with me to help your rural communities step forward to shift from poverty into ongoing prosperity:

* Nova Kibbutz and consultancy on rural communities' models.


* Local & National programs related to agro-produce export models - Dream Valley global vertical value and supply chain business model and concept connects (a) input suppliers with farmers in developing economies and (b) those farmers with consumers in premium markets.


* Crop protection: Biofeed, an eco-friendly zero-spray control technology and protocol.



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"Mental and Economic Freedom Are Interconnected."


See you soon,



Dr. Nimrod Israely is the CEO and Founder of Dream Valley and Biofeed companies and the Chairman and Co-founder of the IBMA conference. +972-54-2523425 (WhatsApp), or email




If you missed it, here is a link to last week's blog, “A Holistic View of Smallholder Poverty".




1)     Exporting fresh fruits from Africa to the EU under the Dream Valley regenerative protocol brand for the 2024 season.

2)     Joining the Nova-Kibbutz concept project or establishing a similar initiative in your region.

Kindly provide your background and credentials to receive tailored next-step instructions.



Dream Valley is a field-proven disruptive business model based on the successful Israeli Model.


You can follow me on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Facebook. 

*This article addresses general phenomena. The mention of a country/continent is used for illustration purposes only.

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